The Feelings Wheel: Understand Your Emotions

Last Updated: September 3, 2024

The Feelings Wheel: Understand Your Emotions

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Navigating our emotional landscapes can be as bewildering as exploring uncharted territories. With the Feelings Wheel, you can gain a deeper understanding of your emotions, aiding in communication, emotional growth, and mental wellness.

Navigating the complex landscape of our emotions can often feel like an overwhelming journey without a map. Enter the Feelings Wheel, a dynamic tool created by Dr. Gloria Willcox to guide us through the intricacies of our emotional terrain. Designed to help individuals recognize, articulate, and explore their feelings, the wheel consists of a layered structure featuring primary emotions at its core, surrounded by related secondary and tertiary feelings.

The Feelings Wheel is a valuable tool for understanding and expressing emotions. It can be used for personal reflection, improving communication, and fostering emotional health.

What is the Feelings Wheel?

The Feelings Wheel is an innovative tool designed by Dr. Gloria Willcox to help individuals identify and articulate their emotions. This colorful wheel categorizes emotions into several levels, providing clarity and insight into your inner emotional world.

How Does the Feelings Wheel Work?

Imagine a painter with a palette of colors, each blend creating a unique hue. The Feelings Wheel functions similarly but with emotions. It starts with primary emotions at the center—like happiness, sadness, fear, and anger—and expands outwards to more nuanced feelings, helping you pinpoint your exact emotional state.

Primary Emotions: The Core Feelings

At the core of the Wheel are the primary emotions, which are instinctual and universal across human experiences. These are the first reactions we have to any situation.

Secondary Emotions: The Detailed Layers

As you move to the outer circles, the emotions become more specific. From anger, you might discover you're actually feeling frustration or betrayal. This layer helps us to see the complexity of our feelings.

Table 1: Primary and Secondary Emotions on the Feelings Wheel

Primary Emotion

Related Secondary Emotions

Examples of Use


Irritated, Hostile

To identify triggers of anger during conflict resolution.


Lonely, Desperate

To explore deeper feelings of loss or disappointment.


Anxious, Scared

To address anxieties and fears in therapy sessions.


Happy, Excited

To recognize and cultivate positive emotions.


Confident, Bold

To empower decision making and assertiveness.


Relaxed, Content

To enhance mindfulness and stress reduction practices.

Tertiary Emotions: The Specifics

The outermost layer reveals the most refined emotions. Here, frustration might further divide into irritability or disappointment, providing an even more accurate description of your feelings.

Why Use the Feelings Wheel?

Utilizing the Feelings Wheel can transform how you understand and interact with your emotions. It's particularly helpful in times of intense feelings or when you're struggling to articulate your emotional state.

Table 2: Practical Exercises with the Feelings Wheel




Together – I spin the wheel!


Engage in a shared session where each participant uses chips to mark feelings on the wheel, promoting group discussion.

Alone – The Emotional Inventory


Select feelings spontaneously or based on specific events to help clarify and express emotions.

Benefits of the Feelings Wheel: A Multifaceted Tool

  1. Enhanced Self-Awareness: Regular use of the Wheel can lead to greater insight into your emotional triggers and patterns.
  2. Improved Communication: By identifying your emotions more clearly, you can communicate more effectively with others, reducing misunderstandings and conflicts.
  3. Emotional Regulation: With better understanding comes more control. Knowing your emotions can help you manage them more proactively, leading to healthier coping strategies.

Personal Reflection: A Journey of Self-Discovery

I remember a time when I felt overwhelmed with stress and could not pinpoint why. Using the Feelings Wheel, I realized what I labeled as stress was actually a mix of disappointment and pressure. This revelation was empowering, allowing me to address my feelings more constructively.

How to Use the Feelings Wheel Effectively

  1. Download and Print the Feelings Wheel: Keep it accessible. You can even personalize it by coloring it, which adds an element of mindfulness to the process.
  2. Regular Check-ins: Take moments throughout your day to identify your emotions. This can be a reflective practice during morning or evening routines.
  3. Express and Act: Once you identify your feelings, express them appropriately and decide on actions that align with your emotional needs.


How often should I use the Feelings Wheel?

As often as you need! It's a great tool to use both in moments of emotional confusion and as a daily reflection tool.

Can the Feelings Wheel help during therapy?

Absolutely. It is widely used by therapists to help clients articulate their emotions during sessions.

What is the Feelings Wheel?

It's a tool designed to help identify and express a range of emotions, developed by Dr. Gloria Willcox.

How does the Feelings Wheel work?

It features three concentric circles, each detailing primary emotions and their nuanced secondary and tertiary levels.

Can the Feelings Wheel be used in therapy?

Absolutely, it’s widely used to facilitate emotional awareness and communication in therapeutic settings.

How can I use the Feelings Wheel at home?

Engage in exercises alone or with family to explore and discuss emotions, using items like chips or stones as markers.

In a Nutshell

The Feelings Wheel is not just a tool but a companion on your journey to emotional clarity and well-being. By integrating it into your daily life, you can not only understand but also appreciate the full spectrum of your emotions, enhancing both personal and interpersonal dynamics.

In conclusion, the Feelings Wheel is a versatile and invaluable tool for enhancing emotional literacy. By providing a structured way to identify and articulate a broad spectrum of emotions, it supports both personal growth and improved communication.

Whether used in therapeutic settings, within families, or for individual reflection, the Feelings Wheel encourages us to engage more deeply with our feelings and those of others, promoting a healthier, more emotionally aware society.