Meditation and Yoga Retreat Reviews

Last Updated: August 6, 2023

Meditation and Yoga Retreat Reviews

Most people when they are looking up for a meditation retreat, they are looking for a place where they can deepen their learnings about meditation and spirituality. Chances are you have dabbled a bit yourself in some form of meditation and want to know which place you can go for a retreat where you can seriously learn a form of meditation practice.

A typical meditation retreat is a multi-day workshop designed to immerse you into a way of life away from the busy life in the city. Away from the day-to-day stress and chaos, in the retreat facility you will be allowed to introspect, become more aware and reflect. Some places can even allow one day workshops to experienced meditators.

Top Reviewed Meditation Retreat Centers of 2022

Meditation and Yoga Retreat in USA

There are countless meditation and yoga retreat centers across the Unites States that offer you an opportunity to experience wellness, nature, and techniques from professionals for meditation. Americans have been experiencing increased levels of anxiety and stress due to the demanding lifestyle. As a result, meditation and yoga retreat centers have gained relevance and have become important in people's life in the USA.

Meditation Retreat in UK

In order to deepen your meditation practice and broaden your horizon towards the natural lifestyle, you have many options across the United kingdom. These mindful retreats located in beautiful scenic places help to make you feel more calm and release all your worries and stress. Some of these retreats also include fun activities like cooking, or walking or journaling sessions. 

  1.  Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Center
  2. Vipassana Meditation UK

Meditation and Yoga Retreat in Canada

Two best ways to relax and energize your body and soul is to meditate and perform yoga. Either as a complete beginner or with some experience, you can book your reservations at the best meditation centers in Canada and enjoy your retreat. You can choose the retreat based on the kind of meditation and activity that you want to be involved in.

  1.  Nectar yoga retreat
  2. International Art of living center Canada

Meditation Retreats in Europe

There are numerous destinations for meditation as well as yoga retreats across various countries in Europe. The centers are mostly designed specific to the specialty of the area or the region or spiritual beliefs. Expect your retreat in Europe to be extremely refreshing and rejuvenating as you explore nature and meet other people who are there to do the same.

Meditation Retreat in Germany

One of the most popular destinations in Europe for a meditation retreat is in Germany. There are millions of people in Germany who have started to practice meditation and include it as a part of their lifestyle. The meditation retreat can also include yoga to make sure that your body is in alignment with your spiritual well being. 

  1.  Dhamma Dvara Vipassana Meditation Center
  2. Art of living

Meditation and Yoga Retreat in Italy

There are people and tourists constantly traveling to Italy to enjoy their culture and way of life. In the Italian meditation and Yoga retreats you will be able to engage in programs that will be able to release all your stress and help you find a simpler way of life. You might not expect to visit Italy and reach a retreat that can also help you have a deeper inspection of your life but there are a ton of places that will make it possible.

  1.  Istituto Osho Miasto
  2. Dhamma Atala Vipassana Center

Meditation Retreat in Portugal

Wellness, meditation and yoga retreats are getting very common across Europe. But in Portugal, you will be able to enjoy the community experience and indulge in a new culture. Expect to get involved with a community that will be accepting and open to you. The retreat experience will be fun and you will also get to enjoy the vast natural landscape of Portugal.

  1.  Wild View Retreat
  2. Wolfs Yoga

Meditation and Yoga Retreat in France

France is a beautiful country in Europe to start your meditation retreat journey at. If you have some experience at meditation or Yoga prior to this experience try to participate in longer stay programs where you will be able to enjoy the beauty of the country while you learn from the professionals. The training centers in France are beautiful and located in traditional or natural areas.

  1.  Lower Hamlet
  2. Kadampa Meditation Center France

Meditation Retreat in Spain

If you are in Spain or are planning to travel to Spain, make sure to book a meditation retreat in one of the best locations in the country. The country has some of the highly rated meditation centers across the world. It is a tourist hot spot. So, the reservation of the meditation retreat centers are supposed to be busy. Make sure to do the bookings prior to the visits if you are planning to stay.

  1.  O Sel Ling
  2. Kadampa Meditation Center

Meditation Retreat in Greece

Greece is a European country that has been rich in culture and heritage and blessed by the natural beauty by the sea. Being around nature is one of the best experiences for a meditation retreat. While at Greece, expect to be blown away by meditation retreats that are not only located in beautiful natural locations but also inspired from their rich cultural heritage.

  1.  Rama Pranic Healing
  2. INEA YOGA School and Retreat Center

Meditation Retreats in Latin America

The last two years have been slow and confining. This has taken a toll on everybody's mental and physical health. One of the best places in the world to travel to for meditation retreats during this time is to Latin American countries. These countries have the best food, rich history and cultures and best weather.

Meditation Retreat in Peru

You will get to experience a very different lifestyle in a different part of the world if you open yourself to an experience at meditation retreats in Peru. You will get to experience a certain type of South American drink known as Ayahuasca which is known to have healing properties and spiritual connections.

  1.  Awkipuma Spiritual Healing Center- Ayahuasca Retreat
  2. Arkana Spiritual Center

Meditation Retreat in Ecuador

Just like in Peru, even in the neighboring country Ecuador, you can experience the spiritual benefits of Ayahuasca at a meditation or yoga retreat center. There are numerous places which provide you this experience. There are extremely well reviewed centers that have shown to have influenced people all around the world to change their life positively after the retreat.

  1.  Gaia Retreat Center Ecuador
  2. Casa del Sol - San Pedro & Ayahuasca Retreat

Meditation Retreat in Costa Rica

Tucked away in the natural landscape of Costa Rica you are going to feel refreshed and cleansed while you are in the meditation center. The retreat will make you feel as if you are a new and inspired person. Meditation retreats in general help you to take a break from the usual lifestyle and in Costa Rica you will be able to do so in a peaceful environment and enjoying nature.

  1.  New life Ayahuasca
  2. Rythmia Life Advancement Center

Meditation Retreats in Asia

For the longest time in history Asia has held up its title as the best and the first place to visit for any kind of spiritual enlightenment. It still holds true as it ranks one of the most visited countries for spiritual tourism. There are numerous countries in Asia where you will be able to explore through nature and Buddhist monasteries about meditation and yoga.

Buddhist Meditation Retreat in Thailand

You are making the right decision to visit Thailand for your meditation retreat as they offer the best options and locations that you can decide to go and practise. There are various temples and monasteries located across Thailand where you will be able to enroll for the meditation program and learn with the Monks. You will have to visit their websites and make the reservation before paying a visit to ensure that they are ready to invite you.

  1.  Wat Suan Mokkh Phalaram
  2. wat ram poeng

Buddhist Meditation and Yoga Retreat in Nepal

If you have always been an enthusiast about Buddhism and wanted to learn about Buddhist meditation, what better place to learn about it than Nepal, the birthplace of Lord Gautam Buddha himself. There are numerous temples, monasteries and Gumbas across the country and you will also be able to find great retreat centers where you can learn about the teachings of Buddha.

  1.  Dhamma Vipassana
  2. Kopan Monastery

Buddhist Meditation Retreat in Indonesia

One of the most popular places for meditation retreats across Asia for Buddhism learnings is in Indonesia. There are countless temples that are centuries old which hold significance to the early start of Buddhism. There are meditation retreats in Indonesia which will help you learn about Buddhism and the practice through silent meditation.

  1.  Om Ham Retreat
  2. The Yoga Barn

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How much does a meditation retreat cost?

The cost of a meditation retreat could range anywhere from being free to hundreds of dollars for a week. This depends upon the center, type of program and the accommodation facility you choose.

How to choose the right meditation retreat?

You should decide the meditation retreat based on your experience in meditation practice and the kind of specialty the retreat provides.

What do you do at a meditation retreat?

At any meditation retreat, professional trainers or staff will engage you in mindful practices that include breathing exercises, still meditation and even yoga.

Are meditation and yoga retreats worth it?

Meditation and yoga retreats are once in a lifetime experiences that will shape your lifestyle for the better and help you get a quick start at healthy living.

Where to go for the best meditation and yoga retreat?

There are retreat centers and programs available in many countries around the world. You can contact them and book a reservation to enroll in their program.

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Meditation Abroad Destinations
Experiences and Reviews

Thailand Monastery experience was transformative.

I had the best time of my life in every sense.

 testimony egemen

- Egemen Ojel,

Turkey, Stayed in Thailand Monastery

My volunteering assignment has been a humbling and wonderful experience!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

testimony charity

- Charity Mcdonald,

Canada, Stayed in Nepal Monastery
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