Meditation Mudras and Hand Positions Explained in 2024

Last Updated: September 4, 2024

Meditation Mudras and Hand Positions Explained in 2024

Mudras, or hand gestures used during meditation, are more than just symbolic. They can enhance your meditation experience by promoting energy flow, emotional release, and mental clarity. This guide delves into 12 of the most common mudras, updated with the latest insights for 2024 to help deepen your practice.

1. Gesture of Knowledge: Gyan Mudra

Probably the most well-known of all mudras, the Gyan mudra is synonymous with wisdom and is a staple in meditation classes.

  • How to Do It: Touch the tip of your index finger to the thumb, keeping the other three fingers straight.
  • Benefits: Improves memory, enhances concentration, and helps in overcoming creative blocks.
  • Associated Elements: Air & Space

2. Mudra of Fearlessness: Abhaya Mudra

This mudra is often depicted in statues of the Buddha, symbolizing protection and peace.

  • How to Do It: Lift your right hand to shoulder height, palm facing outward.
  • Benefits: Dispels fear and invites peace and courage.
  • Associated Elements: All

3. Flowing Air Mudra: Vayu Mudra

Vayu Mudra regulates the air element within the body, offering several health benefits.

  • How to Do It: Tuck the index finger to the base of the thumb, keep other fingers straight.
  • Benefits: Calms anxiety, relieves pain, and supports joint health.
  • Associated Elements: Air

4. Detoxification Hand Position: Apana Mudra

Apana Mudra focuses on purification and the removal of toxins.

  • How to Do It: Connect the thumb to the middle and ring fingers, keeping the other fingers straight.
  • Benefits: Enhances detoxification and supports digestive health.
  • Associated Elements: Space & Earth

5. Mudra of Holding the Jewel: Manidhara Mudra

This mudra represents the fulfillment of wishes and the abundance of compassion.

  • How to Do It: Join hands at the chest, forming a bowl shape with palms.
  • Benefits: Symbolizes and encourages the fulfillment of wishes.
  • Associated Elements: All

6. The Teaching Mudra: Vitarka Mudra

Vitarka Mudra is used to transmit the essence of teachings and wisdom.

  • How to Do It: Form a circle with the thumb and index finger, other fingers relaxed.
  • Benefits: Enhances receptivity to learning and personal growth.
  • Associated Elements: Fire & Air

7. Mudra of Generosity: Varada Mudra

This gesture fosters an aura of altruism and kindness.

  • How to Do It: Rest the open hand on the knee, palm facing up.
  • Benefits: Evokes feelings of generosity and compassion.
  • Associated Elements: All

8. Life Force Gesture: Prana Mudra

Prana Mudra is vital for energizing and revitalizing the body.

  • How to Do It: Connect the thumb with the ring and pinky fingers, others extended.
  • Benefits: Boosts vitality and energizes the body.
  • Associated Elements: Fire, Earth & Water

9. Gesture of Perception/Intellect: Buddhi Mudra

This mudra enhances intellect and perception, providing mental clarity.

  • How to Do It: Touch the pinky to the thumb, keeping the remaining fingers extended.
  • Benefits: Promotes fluid thoughts and mental clarity.
  • Associated Elements: Water

10. Namaskara or Anjali Mudra

Known as the "namaste" gesture, it symbolizes respect and connection.

  • How to Do It: Press palms together at the heart center.
  • Benefits: Encourages compassion and respect for others.
  • Associated Elements: All

11. Gesture of Enlightenment: Dhyana Mudra

Dhyana Mudra is crucial for deep meditation and spiritual awakening.

  • How to Do It: Place right hand over left in lap, forming a triangle with thumbs.
  • Benefits: Enhances meditation depth and spiritual awareness.
  • Associated Elements: All


These mudras offer a toolkit for enhancing your meditation practice and spiritual journey. Each gesture is a step toward greater harmony and mindfulness.
We hope this guide, updated with the latest insights for 2024, proves invaluable for those seeking deeper meditation experiences and spiritual growth.


How long should I hold a mudra?
Aim for 10-15 minutes during meditation for the best effects.
Can mudras cure physical ailments?
Mudras support overall wellness but are not a substitute for medical treatment.
Are there any risks to using mudras?
Mudras are generally safe. If you feel discomfort, adjust the gesture or duration.